Varun Dave

A Software Engineer with passion to develop quality work.

I enjoy Cricket, software development, tutoring, computer vision, running, and driving

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A little bit about me

I recently graduated from University of Waterloo with an Undergraduate Degree in Computer Engineering program with a biomechanics option. I aim to develop technologies that have a positive impact on people. Some of the places that I have had the fortune of doing my internships for include University of Waterloo, Qualcomm Canada Inc, Ontario Ministry of Health - Long Term Care, and McMaster University. I am a massive Cricket fan. Quite often in the summer you will see me out in the park either at a practice or on the ground playing Cricket. A quick list of my projects:

  1. PhysioBuddy
  2. Gita in English
  3. 3D Ultrasound Visualizer
  4. Cricket ball tracker
